Global Enterprise Data Analytics (GEDAONE) can help your organization in handling all the issues related to data processing and analysis. Services offered by GEDAONE includes: Process Handling GEDAONE helps its client across the life cycle of a transaction in either working with them to generate efficiencies / reduce cost in the process or takeover the process from the client to be executed and managed by GEDAONE. Examples of some of the process handled by GEDAONE are: Data Entry and Processing GEDAONE has state of the art infrastructure and processes to provide flaw less delivery on data entry and processing of data. GEDAONE is recognized for its high quality of data entry amongst its clients. GEDAONE has a full proof testing phase of entered data to ensure that the data entered by the team is of high quality and has minimal errors. Some of the key areas where GEDAONE serves its clients are: -
Transfer data from hard copy format to any application in MS Office. -
Provide scanned results of data using OCR. -
Collating data from multiple files at one location and one format and easy analysis. -
Changing the format of the file to make the data more user friendly from analysis perspective. Data Analysis Data analysis involves identifying trends, or insights out of the data provided. It could involve simple tabulation and deriving meaning to conducting complex analysis involving different data series to ultimately combine multiple trends and create a message. Some of the specific areas where GEDAONE has helped its clients are: -
Running cross-tabulations to analyze the data. -
Providing basic descriptives like mean, median etc. -
Collating sales data for a country and conducting analysis on key sales trends by region. -
Automation of data analysis using Visual Basic forms. Data Collection Data collection involves collating data from sources pre-defined by the client. It is primarily done when client is trying to collect specific information from company's broadcast to the public. Examples of this kind of services includes: -
Compiling financial items from the annual reports of the company by visiting websites of the companies and downloading annual reports. -
Creation of a database by using client's database provided for a short period to GEDAONE. -
Download information from companies website and provide that in "ready to analyze" format. |